Let Us Inspire Your Child

Our Early Years curriculum takes your child on the first steps of their lifelong learning journey as they cultivate curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, confidence, and resilience. We encourage them to investigate and experience new things, face new challenges, explore their own ideas, make new connections, and celebrate their achievements along the way.

Independent Exploration, Play-Based Learning

We employ a child-led inquiry approach that encourages students to play an active role in their learning. Under the guidance of our skilled teachers, students are granted a wide berth to explore their interests and follow their curiosity.


We also incorporate project-based learning, in which students collaborate on long-term projects. This method adds an extra social dimension to our teaching. The children learn to communicate in both English and Chinese and solve problems together as a team. Additionally, in our outdoor learning areas, children learn to take calculated and age-appropriate risks as they develop strength, coordination, and fine and gross motor skills.

Daily School Life


Hiba's Four Guiding Principles


Every child is unique. They are constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident, and self-assured.


Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.


Children learn and develop in enabling environments, where their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents.


Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.

Ambitious Targets For Personalized Learning


We assess our students’ well-being and involvement with the Leuven Scale and track their progress with individual learning journals. They ultimately transition to our Primary School, ready for success.

Engaging Learning Environments

Our learning environments are designed to encourage your child to make connections in their learning. We balance it out with quiet, reflective spaces and areas with open-ended materials that reveal their existing knowledge while inspiring them to think creatively and collaboratively.


Stay In Touch

Stay tuned to learn more about our latest developments, enrollment details,and introductions to our talented teaching staff!