A Team You Can Rely On

We are a diverse team of passionate educators, administrators, and professionals who bring the right balance of talent, experience, and perspective from around the globe. At Hiba, we understand what your child needs to thrive. We hire the best teachers and leaders from the US, China, and globally, and we draw on a wealth of experience throughout the Wellington College Education network.

Joy Qiao

Founder & Chairman


Joy Qiao founded Wellington College China in 2009. Under her leadership, it has become one of the most reputable international education groups in China and globally. She grew up in Shanghai and earned her BA in Computer Science at the University of Oxford. She then went on to have an extensive career in the IT industry in the UK, Germany, and China.

Married to an Englishman and the mother of two bicultural boys, Joy knows from personal experience the value of a bilingual education. She wanted to ensure that her children would enjoy a fulfilling and meaningful relationship with both sides of their family and, in turn, their mixed heritage. This was what ultimately inspired her pivot to education.

Joy believes that Hiba’s blended approach to learning will play a crucial role in promoting peace and fostering mutual understanding in the 21st century. As the world grows more interconnected and the East and West converge, skills like bilingualism, cross-cultural awareness, and global citizenship will be in high demand.


Jane Camblin

Founding School Director


Julian Jeffrey

Chief Academic Officer


Allen Lueth

Chief Operating Officer


Rowan Bell

Chief People Officer


Aaron Levine

Finance and Project Consultant


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Stay tuned to learn more about our latest developments, enrollment details,and introductions to our talented teaching staff!