Happy, Healthy, and Engaged

A child must be well if they are to do well. We want every student to feel safe, happy, and valued.


We embed well-being in our curriculum, applying the principles of positive education and the PERMA (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment) model. In regular sessions, children build self-esteem as they learn how to cultivate traits like mindfulness, gratitude, and optimism — traits that will help them reach their full potential.


Our Student Services Department provides counseling sessions to help students cope with the social and emotional challenges that all young people sometimes face. We employ a variety of evidence-based therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy art to support your child's healthy psychological development. We also enforce a thorough safeguarding policy to ensure that your child learns in a nurturing environment free from all forms of harm or abuse.

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Stay tuned to learn more about our latest developments, enrollment details,and introductions to our talented teaching staff!