Meet Lydia, Class of 2024, Hiba Academy Hangzhou

October 9, 2024

At just 18, Lydia’s journey of self-discovery is only beginning. She has already received offers from several top-tier art schools, like Parsons School of Design and the University of the Arts London.

With some help from her teachers and university counselors at Hiba Academy Hangzhou, Lydia created a list of criteria for her school selection, focusing on the strength of the programs, the location, and school size. Naturally, academic excellence was a top priority too.

“My dream university is Parsons School of Design, not only because it’s one of the best art and design schools in the world, but also because I’m drawn to its location,” Lydia shares.

However, finding the “right fit” is about more than rankings. Lydia recognizes that a school’s values must also align with her own, and Parsons seeks students with both creativity and potential — qualities that Lydia has demonstrated throughout her educational journey.

As a student leader and the performing arts ambassador at Hiba Academy Hangzhou, Lydia has built lasting friendships with students from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Her role as a leader in the school’s artistic community, from performing at the annual Chinese New Year gala to participating in other artistic endeavors, has allowed her to inspire her peers.


Moreover, Lydia’s teachers in the Sixth Form will tell you that she is not one to shy away from a challenge. She’s known to have spent countless hours preparing for exams and completing assignments. This work ethic combined with a truly creative spirit will no doubt serve her well at Parsons.

Looking back on her time at Hiba Academy Hangzhou, Lydia says that she is deeply grateful for the confidence that she has gained. She is especially thankful for the friends who helped her adjust to life as a new student at Wellington. They were a constant source of strength for her whenever she encountered a new challenge in her studies.

As she opens this new chapter in her life, Lydia is naturally a bit anxious about what lies ahead, but she remains optimistic and ready for new experiences, “I hope to participate in more activities in my new environment,” she says. As ever, she is eager to broaden her horizons and stretch beyond her comfort zone, which is why Parsons will be lucky to have her as a student!


Here is Lydia in her own words…

Q: What kind of person do you want to be in the future?

A: When I think about my future, I envision myself as someone who has achieved both financial success and recognition. But it’s not just about wealth or fame. I want to live a fulfilling life where my work not only benefits me but also adds value to others. I see myself in a creative career that offers freedom and autonomy. Whether in the arts, design, technology, or entrepreneurship, creative jobs offer the chance to innovate, express unique ideas, and push the boundaries of traditional norms. This excites me because these fields require thinking outside the box, solving problems creatively, and breaking away from conventional solutions.

Q: How have Hiba Academy Hangzhou’s values influenced your personal beliefs and values?

A: One value stands out to me above all others: kindness. Throughout my time at Hiba, I’ve come to deeply appreciate the importance of being kind and compassionate, both as core personal traits and as guiding principles in how I interact with others. The ethos of kindness at Wellington is woven into our daily interactions, whether through inclusivity, collaborative projects, or simply supporting one another in our academic and personal endeavors. This has taught me that kindness is the foundation of a strong, harmonious community.

Q: As part of Hiba Academy Hangzhou’s first graduating class, what message do you have for current and future students?

A: Always be confident in yourself, and don’t panic about the future. Confidence is key to navigating the challenges and opportunities life will throw your way. Trust in your abilities, follow your instincts, and remember that you’re capable of achieving great things. Confidence doesn’t mean being fearless; it means knowing your worth and having the courage to pursue your dreams despite the obstacles ahead.